Most people would cut back on the burgers and fries when your favorite fast food restaurant no longer provides large enough seats for your portly derriere. Martin Kessman isn’t like most people. The 64-year old, 300-pound White Castle fanatic has launched a campaign against the greasy burger establishment for bigger seats.
Kessman says that back in 2009 he walked into his local White Castle to enjoy lunch (it is assumed it was Kessman’s 3rd of the day although this report has not been confirmed). After grabbing his order, the obese man posted-up in one of the restaurant’s stationary booths, which he struggled to fit into. Kessman left the restaurant with a noticeable limp after repeatedly banging his knees on the table—downing a crave case, after all, is a physical endeavor.
Instead of finding the snug booths aspirational, Kessman sent a letter to the corporate offices demanding that the restaurant accommodate their heftier customers. According to the New York Post, White Castle replied with “three very condescending letters,” along with a treasure chest of coupons for free burgers and a promise to expand the seats.
In response to corporate’s half-hearted attempt to remedy the situation, Kessman has filed a
lawsuit in New York City. The claim stems from the fact that White Castle has not altered the booths. The disgruntled burger lover says that the chain’s booths “violate the civil rights of obese people.”
Although upset and unable to fit into the restaurant’s booths, Kessman’s appetite for White Castle Burgers has not waned—he still orders a Crave Case at least once a week.