A 7-year-old boy suffering from cerebral palsy and other disabilities—including not being able to speak—was decapitated by his biological father over the weekend.
The child’s head was found on Sunday afternoon, lying on the side of the street, said Louisiana detective Ricky Ross.
“We received the call at approximately 12 noon on Sunday from a volunteer firefighter who was driving by and found a head by itself on the side of the city street,” said Ross.
police initially arrived, they found 30-year-old Jeremiah lee Wright standing across the street on his porch—Wright shouted to the officers that the head was a CPR dummy and it was simply a joke.
After additional police officers arrived, Wright was taken into
custody for questioning, during which he confessed to chopping-off his son’s head.
After the confession, officers searched Wright’s home, where they found a white garbage bag near the child’s body. While police were investigating the home, the child’s mother, who had been running errands, arrived to find her house covered in yellow crime-scene tape. The mother, after being shown a photograph of her boy’s decapitated head, identified her son, 7-year-old Jori Liritte.
The chief of police said Wright confessed to the gruesome act because taking care of his son’s special needs was too daunting of a task. Additionally, the murderer stated that, because of his son’s disabilities, the boy did not feel human to him. During the interview, the man also stated numerous relationship issues with the child’s mother—Ross said he had purposefully left his son’s head in the middle of the street for his wife to see.
The gruesome nature of the crime, which was executed with a hacksaw, has left the small Louisiana community (approximately 65 miles southwest of New Orleans) in a complete state of shock. Ross is being charged with first-degree
murder and it is likely that he will be sentenced to life in prison.