Mesa, Arizona--Erick Grumplet’s girlfriend admitted that she’d had sex with other men in his bed--A statement that would drive any man to the point of an emotional breakdown. Grumplet, upon hearing the crushing blow, morphed into a violent and psychotic monster.
After the words sunk in, Grumplet kneed his girlfriend in the lower abdomen several times, causing her body to shut-down and ultimately die.
This vile incident occurred more than two months ago; shockingly, Grumplet had maintained living with his ex-girlfriend post-humorously.
According to Mesa
Police Officialls, Grumplet admitted to kneeing his girlfriend, 39-year-old Malinda Raya, to death on the morning of May 19th, after she had confessed to sleeping with other men in his bed.
Police officials became aware of the
murder a disturbing two months after Raya’s death; apparently nobody kept tabs on the deceased woman. The body was found in Grumplet’s apartment in the Shorebird Apartment Homes near U.S. 60 and Country Club Drive in Mesa, Arizona.
Raya’s corpse was wrapped in sheets on the floor of his bedroom; Grumplet used dozens of carpet deodorizers and air fresheners to mask the odor of a decomposing body.
Police were only notified of the body because Grumplet, who had been staying at his parent’s house over the weekend, admitted to his father that he had killed his girlfriend and left her body to rot. His father, who discovered the body the next day, notified the Chandler paramedics, who then called the Mesa Police Department.
Following his arrest, Grumplet told police that he had not intended to kill Raya; Grumplet is currently “rotting in jail” where he awaits trial—without bond--for a charge of second-degree murder.