On May 10th, 2011, the Microsoft company
purchased Skype for an estimated $8.5 billion; Skype – a video communication
system allowing users to converse via virtual ‘face to face’ interaction – is
utilized by almost 700 million people worldwide. As a result, what happens when
one of the biggest computer software companies purchases one of the biggest and
most upcoming telecommunications company – and what does it mean for you?
First off – if you’re a PC user – you may still be able to
hold out on crossing over to Apple; although Microsoft offers a smart phone
option in the new Windows phone, but it has not reached the acclaim and
popularity of the iPhone – the smart phone offered by the Apple Company.
However, with the integrated technology from Skype – in addition to its massive
user base – both Microsoft’s network, as well as its communications technology
is expected to bring a multitude of surprises to consumers later in 2011.
Secondly, video game enthusiasts may see their individual
gaming experiences propelled into a realm of technology never thought possible;
Xbox – Microsoft’s video gaming system boasting hundreds of millions of users –
allows gamers to connect with fellow gamers through audio chat, which is called
‘Xbox Live’. However, the purchase of Skype may allow for video gamers residing
all over the globe to ‘video chat’ with each other during game play – this
would be an industry first.